Good OOA&D give folowing reuslts...
1. satisfy customer and software must do what the customer wants it to do.----getting good requirements with some analysing
2. Apply OO pronciples to add flexibility
3. Strive for a maintainable, resusable and well design.
if the system meet above requirements, that system hv good OOA&D....
---------------REPEAT THIS STEPS------------------------------
System must work ----------------getting proper reqs and make correct functions to meet customer needs
Keep working for every day-------no crashes when using system unusual way = robust,
must be able to esily upgrade----using encapsulation, composition, delegation can make app maintainable and extentionable
must be able to esily Reused-----by avoiding all sort of nasty dependencies and associations that really dont need. for this can use OCP and SRP.
System must be flexible----------by refactoring and turn it in to nice framwork, so then it can use for different purpose.
encapsulation is breaking app into logical parts.
delegation is giving another object the responsiblity of handling a perticular task.
Always remind what the customer need.....
Once got the basic funcctionalities of app in place, work on refining the design so its flexible...
with good functional and flexible design ..U think for proper design pattern for improve design further and to easiar to reuse...
OOA&D satisfy customer and also proframer.....//////////////////////////////////////////////////
well designed,well coded, easy to maintain, reuse, extend.
Good OOD is less problems for customer and less maintainging for developer
its automatically robust code
Ex-Using enums.........
From our first function we want to implement good design techniqs
Analyse a method..
based on user input data
based on function processing path
based on how generating results
based on what user getting results
1.Objects should do what their names indicate.
2.Each object should represent a single concept.
3.Unused properties are dead give away
3.Anywahere u see duplicate code , look for a place to encapsulate
must apply with better user satisfaction
oo design
no duplicate coding
best reusability
loosly copling
no modification, only extention
Delegation is when an object needs to perform certain events, and instead of doing that task directly , it ask to another ogbect to handle the task.
Delegation is good and it make code resusable
Delegation helps to make loosly coupled apps
Loosly coupled objects can use in another objects easily
Loosly coupled means objects in application each have specific job to do and only hv that job.
So the functionalty of app is spread out over lots of well-defined aojects, which each do a single task is really well
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